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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Natural Way Of Smiling

Many of us are very preserved of our smiles; it is one of the features of appearance which stands out the most in my point of view right? I mean we notice so well when we get dimples or someone else gets it. And will be like 'oh she/he has so nice dimples wish I had it'? Well you don't need a dimple to have a beautiful smile; there are so many ways into getting a natural but sexy smile on your face.

  • People who are so worried how their teethes looks tends not to smile or have a closed lip smile. To like your teeth first and get a natural smile, that is more like it.
  • Learn to smile with eye contact. This is because when you smile just via your mouth you would look so fake believe me. When you smile through your eyes and mouth not only does your smile look naturally beautiful but your eyes would twinkle.
  • Practice in the mirror- although it may sound really silly but they say practice makes perfect!
  • Think about something good that way your smile would come so naturally because it's an automatic response.

These are just simple ways to make a brighter smile. Hope this helps. Thanks. :D

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