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Friday, December 17, 2010

How Should A Boy Treat His Girlfriend

In this day of age many people realise the ancient way to treat their girlfriend, you may think that 'omg we're in 22nd century' but believe me thats the best way girls like to be treated.
For starters, if you love her or really really like her, then how can you show your feelings? Well giver her your TIME. Time is a very important thing in a relationship, whether its for a girl or boy. That is the only way you get closer wth someone.
Show your care for her, listen to her, give her advise, help her as much as you can.
Now and then gift her, and no not expense gift, a box of chocolates and flowers is a girl's favourite gift.
If your meeting with her family mix with them, be a gentleman.
Most guys doesn't fit in the category doing these things but if your really into that girl then these are essential things to help make a girl happy and feel complete. This comes from most girls expectations. Including me:)

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