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Friday, December 10, 2010

Angelina Jolie And Her Future Plans

Angelina Jolie said she plans to retire in the future and will definitely not act to the 'bitter end'.
While promoting her new film, The Tourist, the 35-year-old participated in a quick fire question round with MTV News.
The actress admitted she wants to do other things with her life and not just act.
Asked if she will retire or act forever, Angelina said: "Retirement. Certainly not act to the bitter end. I'd like to think I'd do other things."
Brad Pitt's partner also admitted she might prefer the UK's X Factor over American Idol, although she wasn't quite certain.
Jolie added "I'm not really familiar with both. I would assume X Factor? But I'm not sure what I'm saying!"
Hollywood star Angelina Jolie said she plans to retire in the future and will definitely not act to the 'bitter end'.
While promoting her new film, The Tourist, the 35-year-old participated in a quick fire question round with MTV News.
The actress admitted she wants to do other things with her life and not just act.
Asked if she will retire or act forever, Angelina said: "Retirement. Certainly not act to the bitter end. I'd like to think I'd do other things."
Brad Pitt's partner also admitted she might prefer the UK's X Factor over American Idol, although she wasn't quite certain.
Jolie added "I'm not really familiar with both. I would assume X Factor? But I'm not sure what I'm saying!"

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