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Friday, November 26, 2010

Tricks for iphone, ipod and ipad

How do you increase battery life for iphones, ipod and ipad?
It seems like the device is always dead and recharging is out of option when your out. If your one of them who faces this then read further. A reason the device is using up a lot of battery charge is due to excessive use of applications running at background.
  • Keep it in a cool place. Heat burns batteries much quicker than expected.
  • Swith the brightness to automatic. Full brightness would use most of the battery life it is known 80% is used up. To do this you just go to settings and go on brightness.
  • Make sure it has minimum duration of auto lock. Another factor which takes a lot of battery life. Try to do minimum of 2 minutes that way you use up less battery charge.
  • Try to use Wi Fi instead of 3G. It is said that the battery would last upto an hour if you use Wi Fi than 3G.
  • Disable Bluetooth. If your not using it why leave it on? Unless you want battery life to drain out. Also leaving bluetooth on is unsafe as there have been problems of hacking.
  • Charge and Discharge batteries in regular basis. Charging the devise once a month would allow efficiency and DON'T keep phones overnight in charge as the battery would stay strong and it would drain out a lot.

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