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Saturday, November 6, 2010

Latest X-Factor news

Nadine Coyle has blamed her debut solo single flop on Cheryl Cole – accusing the Girls Aloud star of stopping her from appearing on The X Factor. According to the Daily Star, Nadine Coyle shocked plane passengers – including X Factor 2009′s Jedward – with her outburst at Cheryl on a flight to the UK.

The paper claims that Nadine, who performed with Cheryl in Girls Aloud between 2002 and 2009, blames Cheryl for her own solo single flopping. 'Insatiable' has so far sold 10,000 copies and is currently at no. 24 in the midweek charts.
One traveller told the newspaper: "It was obvious she's been shaken by her single not doing well and she moaned that it wasn't helped by Cheryl obviously not wanting her on The X Factor.
"She also claimed she felt the others were trying to force her out of the group but that she wasn't bothered.
"She said: 'Basically, I still get the cash, without all the hassle.' "
Nadine releases her debut album – also called Insatiable – this Monday exclusively in Tescos stores.
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