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Thursday, November 11, 2010

Call of Duty-Black Ops=Addiction

Recently a glut of the best video games hit the stores. But no matter how many new levels and extra modes the developers include in their games, eventually all good things must end. What is a hungry gamer to do when the final level ends and the credits start to roll? How do they fill that void?
COD wasn't enough, we wanted a new version of it. There comes Black Ops, where users are so hungry to play for hours. It is one of the largest sell outs this month.
This week is home to what will undoubtedly be one of the biggest releases of the year in any entertainment medium. Call of Duty: Black Ops is the latest chapter in the best-selling shooting franchise, taking gamers across numerous theaters of conflict during the Cold War. One quality the Call of Duty games are never lauded for. There have been millions of sell-outs across the world. Every age groups are enjoying it. Addictive? Yes indeed. And if you don't have it buy one, then you'll understand why users are going hyper.



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